Monday, December 3, 2007

Abominable Snowman:myth?

Have any of you wondered about the Abominable Snowman? This is a very controversial subject. So, I'd like to know your oppinion. Do you believe in him? Or do you believe that he's just a hoax created by kids, out to discover the gullible? Let me know. Also, watch the link I've posted. When you click on the link, it will take you to the Yahoo home page. From there, click on the article titled "U.S. filmaker believes he may have found Yeti prints."

How do science and holidays relate?

A lot of people celebrate hoidays, right? Well, how do science and your favorite holiday activities relate? What do you like to do around that special time of the year? Maybe you like to go get a tree with your family. You could find a percentage of approxiamatly how many trees are bought the week before Christmas. Also, say you like to shop on Christmas Eve. Have you ever wondered how many other people are out, getting last minute gifts? You could also try to find this out. There are many ways to get this information. You could google this information. Also, you could ask other people( I suggest a rounded number, such as fifty.) When you find these calculations, you can share them with me.